What Can You Do to Knock Your own Socks off?

It’s the beginning of a new year and a good time to ask yourself, “What can I do to knock my own socks off this year? This question was posed to me by Kristen Manieri during our interview for her 60 Mindful Minutes podcast. Here is the link if you would like to listen.

 While the question sounds a little daunting, the answer doesn’t have to be. It can be a matter of just starting something new. Kristen referenced another interview she had conducted with Becky Blades, author of Start More Than You Can Finish: A Creative Permission Slip to Unleash Your Best Ideas. Seriously? A creative permission slip? I love that title; wish I’d thought of it. Starting things is fun. Start for a month not a year, or even a week not a month. Trying is the essence of creativity. Trying something new, sitting back and beholding what you have created is thrilling, empowering, and keeps you feeling young. Our society is so focused on finishing things. “Finish what you start!” we are admonished from a young age whether it’s our broccoli or a yoga class. Mostly that advice is sound. But if we subscribe to the “finish what you start” mandate, we are reticent about trying something new.

Becky Blades urges readers to start more than they can finish. Start with a few herbs and one tomato plant rather than an entire crop of tomato plants in a raised bed. Start small; don’t make it hard. That’s another thing our society over-values – accomplishing hard things. Your newbie project can be easier than easy/easy/medium/ hard/difficult.  The point is to try. something. newish. There is joy inherent in the process. 

 So, what are a couple of your secret wishes? Whisper them to yourself and get started…


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