Speaking & Workshops
Liz Kitchens, author of Be Brave. Lose the Beige! also happens to be a dynamic and inspiring speaker, known for her captivating workshops on aging with style. Liz combines her creativity and wit with an engaging and approachable style, making these topics easily accessible to diverse audiences. Her workshops are highly interactive, filled with creative exercises and real-world examples that empower participants to unlock their full potential.
First, identify the package that’s right for you:
Short & Sweet
Includes a 45 minute presentation on your topic of choice.
Jazz It Up
Includes a 90 minute presentation on your topic of choice.
The Whole Shebang
Includes a half day workshop on your topic of choice.
Next, pick the topic you’re interested in:
Be Brave. Lose the Beige! Finding Your Sass After Sixty book club series of three sessions. First session will focus on chapters 1-3; second session on chapters 4-6; and third session chapter 7-10. Sessions include creativity exercises from the Be Brave. Lose the Beige Coloring Book for Living Outside the Lines workbook.
This session focuses on what science and the medical community have to say about the impact of creative engagement on brain health. Engaging in a creative expression practice has a restorative effect, reducing anxiety and stress levels. Creativity is related to the personality trait of “openness” and can lead to more flexible thinking, “Yes, and… thinking. Exercise: “Doodle for Your Noodle”. Doodling is playful and the epitome of creative freedom and a non-threatening way to exercise your creative muscles.
This session focuses on the concept of the second half of life. Psychoanalyst Erik Erison labeled this phase of development “Generativity vs. Stagnation”. How do we avoid falling into a state of stagnation and fixating upon the inevitabilities of aging (failing body parts fear of professional/social irrelevance)? Highly generative people tend to feel they have lived a purposeful and meaningful life and seek to give back, behaving in a way that makes the world a better place for others. Exercise: The KQuiz Personality Inventory. The KQuiz is designed for people who stand at the juncture of retirement or semi-retirement. Find out if you are a Rebel, Sage, Dreamer, or Caregiver.
What is the prescription for aging? The dread of aging is the fear the grim reaper is coming to take away not just our souls but also our physical and mental abilities. This session will feature the BBLB Rx prescription pad with therapies for your aging journey. Examples: Break a few fine print rules; try wasting the day; eat in color; avoid becoming someone’s oxygen tank. Let’s whip out those 1960’s protest buttons and say no to beige rules and expectations about aging.
Participants are administered the KQuiz during this three hour session. The KQuiz is designed to help people gain insight into their values, personality traits, and motivations as they stand at the juncture of retirement or semi-
retirement. Most people have taken at least one personality test in their lives. The question is, “Do the profiles we were given hold up as we age into our 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond?” The results will provide a road map for your future.
This session focuses on our preoccupation with the scarcity of time and how to reimagine the concept of time to allow more space for personal growth. Creativity Exercise: Participants will create a Life Pie to visualize how and where they spend their time and energy.